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Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Why Are Some People More Successful Than Others?

What is it that makes certain people successful while others are not? Only 5% of all people are really successful. What do they do that that differs from the rest? In this article you will discover the secrets behind their success.

Have you just like me sometimes been annoyed over why some people are better off, are more successful and succeed with everything they do, while you yourself struggle without getting it to work at all? What is the secret they know or do, that others do not know about or do not do?

I am sure that we all recognize our selves in this situation, being annoyed over people who are more successful than we are, maybe not all the time but sometime when things do not get our way. Have you noticed that as long as you have that attitude, you do not get really satisfied with what you are doing. It is like there was an angry little bee inside us that want to get out, but the bee just gets angrier and angrier. At last it starts hurting really bad and we develop a number of different symptoms of stress, like heart- and cardiac diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

If I now told you that you can get rid of the inner stress and at the same time get more balanced and successful. Would that be of interest? Of course it would, at least for most people. The only way to solve the annoying feeling inside is to find out the underlying cause. Let us say you are annoyed by people that are managing directors who makes a lot of money. There can be many causes but in this case we imagine that it depends on your father that was a worker who got very pushed around by his CEO. Would it not be nice to let go of this infinite stress that you carry on?

What you can do is to heal this anger inside you. The secret is to take control over the situation and say to yourself: I release the anger I have inside myself that makes me angry over others that are more successful than I am. In this way you open up you inner soul and release the anger that looses its grip of you. You are now free to create unlimited success. You have released the mental blocks you might have and have an open mind, which allows you to create success.

Most likely it will take some time to heal this anger inside you. If you repeat the sentence above, to release you anger inside yourself, each morning and evening during a 3 week period, you should be able to take control over your feelings and remove you mental blockings. Sometimes, when the anger or annoying feeling is very deep inside yourself, it can take longer times. Just continue repeating those words above and you will sooner or later find yourself free to create unlimited success.

The second part in creating unlimited success is to study those who are really successful. Identify one or a couple of persons who are really successful, preferably in the same niche as you are or in a similar one. Study what they are doing, learn how they have got where they are, find out as much as possible about those persons and copy and model what they have done.

It is not necessary to re-invent the wheel. Learn from the masters and adjust it so it fits your business, and you will also succeed.

Good Luck!