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Thursday, 25 September 2008

A Real Life Guide to Starting an Online Business

Zero Dollars, a Little Talent and Thirty Days is the compilation of the popular Search Engine Guide article series by the same name. Zero Dollars follows entrepreneur and writer Jennifer Laycock as she tries to start a successful online business in just thirty days without spending a dime out of pocket.

Learn a variety of tips and techniques that you can put to work on your own site.

  • finding a niche where you can be successful
  • using a blog to drive traffic and sales
  • earning extra profit through affiliate programs
  • launching a viral marketing campaign
  • making use of organic search engine optimization
  • planning for a public relations pitch
  • networking with other business owners

So what's the cost? There is none! This book features more than one hundred pages of practical advice and insight written in a language that anyone can understand.

Download Now. It's Free!